Chromebooks In Education Provide Enhanced Learning Experience To Students, Teachers, And Parents In Latin America

Google commissioned Forrester Consulting to interview 18 representatives at nine organizations using Chromebooks in education and conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with Chromebooks in Education.1 This abstract will focus on Latin America K-12 schools’ use of Chromebooks and its value to their organizations.

Forrester spoke with the following six Latin American education decision-makers about their school districts’ experience with Chromebooks in Education:

  • An IT superintendent, an educational technology officer, and a leader of technology policy in schools from a public educational system in Latin America with more than 400,000 students.
  • A secretary of education, an operational director, and a director of new projects from a state government in Latin America with more than 1 million students.

Technology adoption in Latin American classrooms faced significant challenges across the groups interviewed. Teachers had low digital literacy, students had limited access to digital devices and networks, and IT groups spent a considerable amount of time on device maintenance. The deployment of digital devices in the classroom was intended to improve educational outcomes, but previous attempts had resulted in frustrated teachers, students with less time for tasks, and wasted IT resources.

To address these challenges, Chromebooks emerged as a solution for educational organizations in Latin America. These cloud-native devices are easy to deploy in classroom settings. Additionally, qualifying educational institutions receive access to Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals, which includes a comprehensive collaboration suite and a robust academic management system. The combination of Chromebooks and Google Workspace provides a cloud-based platform offering broader technological access for students, teachers, and staff across school systems.

The interviewees’ school districts in Latin America were able to deploy Chromebooks with a higher student-to-device ratio, resulting in improved educational outcomes, enhanced organizational security, and cost savings. Furthermore, Chromebooks facilitated closer engagement between parents and schools, fostering stronger communities around the schools.


Return on investment



Net present value


INVESTMENT DRIVERS FOR Latin American educational institutions

The interviewees’ organizations deployed Chromebooks in classrooms to enhance the digital learning experience for teachers and students. These organizations struggled with several challenges in their legacy environments, including:

  • High device costs resulting in a low student-to-device ratio. The Latin American K-12 school system had limited funding to purchase digital devices, leading to device sharing in classrooms. The low ratio of students to devices compromised the digital and educational experience. The IT superintendent of the school system stated: “With the return of in-person classes, we recognized the need to upgrade our technology and improve our learning process. We only had one computer for every 15 students, and we needed more equipment.”
  • Challenges for teachers to adapt to complex new devices and accessories in the classroom. Some teachers in the school districts had limited digital literacy and exposure to digital devices. The devices that had been previously deployed had intricate settings and required various accessories to function together, resulting in subpar digital experiences for teachers and limited learning experiences for students. The IT superintendent of a Latin American K-12 school system stated: “Some teachers are not adequately prepared to use technology as a resource, such as using the computer at school. They don’t know how to utilize it effectively to enhance the learning process.”
  • Concerns around cybersecurity and device safety in Latin America. Multiple interviewees emphasized the importance of security when selecting devices. Furthermore, incidents of device theft in schools posed a risk of information leakage. The secretary of education from a Latin American educational institution shared: “There are several factors to consider when choosing devices, and security is undoubtedly one of the most important. We also hear a lot about the risk of theft.”


Device cost savings per Chromebook


The interviewees’ organizations chose to invest in Chromebooks for the following reasons:

  • Chromebooks are easy to use and come with a cloud-based platform specifically designed for educational settings. The Latin American school systems deployed Chromebooks as a crucial step of their strategic projects to increase digital literacy and access to educational technologies in the classroom. Chromebooks are equipped with an easy-to-use operating system, making them more user-friendly than legacy devices. Additionally, qualifying educational institutions receive access to Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals, which provides an advanced cloud-based system that maximizes the learning experience.

“One of the reasons we decided to use Chromebooks is that they are very easy to use and have an intuitive, minimalist design. They seamlessly integrate different tools and are constantly evolving.”

Secretary of education, K-12, Latin American state

  • Chromebooks are also easy to manage and require fewer high-level IT skills. With several types of devices deployed in Latin American school systems, device management was challenging due to complex environments. Chromebooks, on the other hand, are easy to manage, and schools require fewer accessories such as projectors or printers.

    The IT superintendent of a Latin American K-12 school system stated: “Before implementing the Chrome Education Upgrade, we used another platform to share computers. However, our network team faced difficulties with the tool and had trouble making it work.”

    Furthermore, with Chromebooks, schools need fewer peripherals like projectors or printers since more students have their own designated devices. This saves time for the IT team in managing accessory devices.

“Having more technology in the classroom is extremely positive for our students, and they get more access to qualified information.”

IT superintendent, K-12, Latin American school system

Key Results For Latin American schools

The results of the investment for the interviewees’ organizations include:

  • Chromebooks resulted in lower digital costs and improved digital experiences in classrooms. They have made the school systems more affordable, allowing for the deployment of more devices in classrooms. As a result, students now have designated devices, leading to significantly better digital experiences.
  • More students received their own designated devices. The IT superintendent of a Latin American K-12 school system shared that previously, each device was shared by an average of 15 students. However, Chromebooks’ affordability reduced this ratio to one computer for every 1.8 students.
  • The need for accessory hardware decreased. In the past, accessory hardware was necessary in classrooms due to shared devices among students. However, with the introduction of Chromebooks, schools have been able to save costs on such hardware.

    The operational director of a Latin American school system explained, “With Chromebooks, we no longer need to purchase devices like projectors, and we have also reduced the need for printed materials.”
  • Positive digital learning experience for students. Latin American school systems sought to improve the quality of learning by deploying digital devices in classrooms. The use of designated Chromebooks has allowed students to experience technology and maximize its utility.

    The director of new projects in a Latin American state discussed the impact on students of deploying Chromebooks, stating: “The impact has been significant. It has motivated the children, who now use technology as part of their learning process. They create videos, make presentations, and graph real information. They are no longer passive listeners but active participants in their own learning. This represents an educational transformation in terms of the teaching and learning process.”

    Chromebooks offer features that limit access to noneducational materials, providing educators with confidence in allowing students to use technology. The operational director of a Latin American school district shared: “Screens have become more of an entertainment tool than an educational one. However, with Chromebooks, the focus is on educational productivity.”

Chromebooks improved the digital experience for teachers. Deploying digital devices in Latin American schools posed a challenge for teachers, whose digital literacy was lower than their counterparts in other parts of the world. However, Chromebooks have helped build digital skills among teachers.

The IT superintendent of a Latin American K-12 school system explained: “Teachers are not always prepared to use technology as a resource. With greater access to technology and a focus on technology, teachers have been able to accelerate their learning process. This has transformed the way they teach and learn.”

The director of new projects in a Latin American state added: “Chromebooks have optimized time. Teachers no longer have to wait until they go home to prepare materials. They can do it in the classroom, making the learning experience more meaningful for both students and teachers.”

Chromebooks have brought standardization to educational institutions, allowing for the deployment of the same devices across schools. Teachers have become ambassadors for the devices, promoting quality teaching. The director of new projects in a Latin American state shared: “Using the same technology allows us to work hand in hand with teachers. This is why I referred to Chromebooks as allies.”

Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals enhanced the cloud experience in educational settings, boosting productivity. Educational institutions received access to this suite, providing students and teachers with the ability to leverage the cloud in the classroom.

  • Cloud services brought advanced technology and knowledge to students and teachers. The director of new projects in a Latin American state explained, “When you stop seeing the computer as the center of computing power and focus more on the server in the cloud, applications, databases, and artificial intelligence, it makes more sense.” Chromebooks, combined with Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals, have expanded the possibilities beyond a single device, resulting in a more productive teaching and learning experience.
  • The cloud-based system enabled learning to take place anywhere, not just in classrooms. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Latin American schools deployed devices to facilitate remote learning. Even after the pandemic, schools continue to prioritize student health while ensuring a seamless learning experience. The director of new projects from a Latin American state shared, “Chromebooks bring learning to students, ensuring that their health is not compromised, while still providing opportunities for learning and teaching.”
  • Google Workspace provided additional digital learning tools, allowing students to engage in self-learning and exploration. The digital experience goes beyond teacher-led engagement, providing students with tools to enhance their learning journey. The IT superintendent of a Latin American K-12 school system stated: “Teachers and students have access to a wide range of digital tools, such as a dictionary included in the Google Workspace package. This has been very beneficial for learning.”
  • Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals, including Google Classroom, enabled teachers to engage with parents on a deeper level. With Chromebooks, parents had a new way to communicate with teachers, facilitating their children’s learning. The director of communication of a Latin American school district shared: “We use Chromebooks to optimize time and have better contact with parents. These tools bring us closer to parents, especially since most parents are working.”
  • Chromebooks have ensured equal access to learning resources for students with special needs. The affordability of Chromebooks has made it possible to provide equipment to more students, and the special configurations have made the tools accessible.

    The IT superintendent of a Latin American K-12 school system explained: “We work with students with special needs, who often study from home. Now they have a Chromebook with accessibility features for home use.”
  • Chromebooks and Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals enhanced security measures. Security was a crucial consideration when Latin American education leaders were choosing devices to deploy. Alongside cybersecurity, device security was also a concern as there were cases of stolen devices in schools.

    The operational director of a Latin American school district shared: “Teachers can control the use of Chromebooks and ensure that students do not access pages with private information. In case of theft, the devices can be blocked.”


For more information, download the full study: “The Total Economic Impact™ Of Chromebooks In Education” a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Google, January 2024.


While the value story above is based on six representatives in Latin America, Forrester interviewed 18 total representatives at organizations with experience using Chromebooks in Education and combined the results into a five-year financial analysis for a composite organization. Risk-adjusted present value (PV) quantified benefits for the composite organization include:

  • A 50% reduction in device costs and a longer device lifespan, avoiding $28 million in costs to replace legacy devices.
  • A 76% reduction in IT time supporting Chromebooks, saving an additional $3.8 million in labor that can be reallocated toward higher-value work.
  • A $478,000 reduction in costs due to accessibility tools and services built into Chromebooks and ChromeOS, meaning a 33% reduction in the use of third-party tools.
  • Complete avoidance of ransomware attacks on student and teacher devices, saving $2.8 million.
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    Return on investment (ROI):

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    Net present value (NPV):

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Readers should be aware of the following:

This study is commissioned by Google and delivered by Forrester Consulting. It is not meant to be used as a competitive analysis.

Forrester makes no assumptions as to the potential ROI that other organizations will receive. Forrester strongly advises that readers use their own estimates within the framework provided in the study to determine the appropriateness of an investment in Chromebook and Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals.

Google reviewed and provided feedback to Forrester, but Forrester maintains editorial control over the study and its findings and does not accept changes to the study that contradict Forrester’s findings or obscure the meaning of the study.

Google provided the names for the interviews but did not participate in the interviews.

Appendix A: Endnotes

1 Total Economic Impact is a methodology developed by Forrester Research that enhances a company’s technology decision-making processes and assists vendors in communicating the value proposition of their products and services to clients. The TEI methodology helps companies demonstrate, justify, and realize the tangible value of IT initiatives to both senior management and other key business stakeholders.

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