The Total Economic Impact™ Of Cisco Full-Stack Observability

Cost Savings And Business Benefits Enabled By Cisco Full-Stack Observability

A Forrester Total Economic Impact Study Commissioned By Cisco, May 2024

The availability of cloud computing has led to on-prem migration efforts and an exponential explosion of telemetry data across hybrid cloud environments.1 Observability enables organizations to gain valuable insights into a system’s internal states and behaviors, which can empower them to take proactive measures and enhance their understanding of performance. As infrastructure and business-critical applications become increasingly complex, organizations are leveraging AIOps and observability to prevent incidents and drive value within their operations. Through the deployment of Cisco Full-Stack Observability, organizations can reduce costs associated with tool consolidation, improve system performance resulting in fewer outages, decrease mean time to resolve (MTTR) issues, and avert revenue loss.

Cisco Full-Stack Observability (Cisco FSO) is an observability portfolio that includes Cisco AppDynamics, Cisco ThousandEyes, and a multitude of supportive services. As a comprehensive monitoring and observability suite, it is tailored for complex IT environments and designed to provide high-performance IT organizations with complete visibility and insights across their infrastructure stack including applications, networks, servers, and cloud environments. AppDynamics serves as an application performance monitoring (APM) and IT operations analytics (ITOA) platform, which enables proactive resolution of application performance issues across the entire enterprise. Additionally, because ThousandEyes serves as the network intelligence for Cisco FSO, it offers valuable insights into the performance and security of an organization’s digital infrastructure. By leveraging Cisco Full-Stack Observability, organizations can gain a comprehensive understanding of their IT infrastructure with contextual insights, ensuring the seamless functioning of their applications and services.

Cisco commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying a Cisco Full-Stack Observability solution.2 The purpose of this study is to provide readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of Cisco Full-Stack Observability on their organizations.


Return on investment (ROI)



Net present value (NPV)


To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with this investment, Forrester interviewed four representatives with experience using Cisco FSO. For the purposes of this study, Forrester aggregated the interviewees’ experiences and combined the results into a single composite organization that is a retail organization with 50,000 employees and revenue of $20 billion per year. The composite organization has a hybrid infrastructure environment, and it monitors 125 applications with Cisco FSO solutions.

has in annual revenue and 0 apps to be monitored by Cisco FSO solutions. Custom results are based on these inputs and the TEI case study.

Interviewees said that prior to using Cisco FSO, their organizations lacked visibility into siloed people, processes, and technology and that they often could not determine if something was a root cause or a system issue when encountering an incident, including major outages. As a result, when various teams gathered in war-room environments without a means to identify the issue properly and efficiently, the default mode of operation was finger-pointing. Moreover, the interviewees said their organizations relied on customer reports to become aware of service problems and outages, which risked brand reputation and customer retention even more. The migration to the cloud further exacerbated the problem because visibility into on-premises systems was lost. Previous attempts to address these issues had limited success, which left the organizations with complex IT problems, high costs, unsustainable processes, and lost revenue.

The interviewees said that after the investment in Cisco FSO, their organizations experienced significant improvements. They shared that they now have comprehensive visibility into their infrastructure, applications, and services. Moreover, the investment in Cisco FSO yielded positive outcomes, such as consolidating legacy systems, increasing efficiency in the war room, avoiding revenue loss, and increasing team productivity.


Key Findings

Quantified benefits. Three-year, risk-adjusted present value (PV) quantified benefits for the composite organization include:

  • Retirement of 65% of legacy tools by the end of Year 3. By implementing Cisco FSO, the composite organization gradually phases out outdated, antiquated, and siloed legacy monitoring tools while consolidating redundant technologies. This not only eliminates the need for licensing fees, but it also reduces infrastructure and maintenance costs. Over three years, the composite organization saves $19.2 million by eliminating tool sprawl and streamlining maintenance processes.

might save by eliminating tool sprawl and streamlining maintenance processes.

  • Improvement in incident prevention of 50% and a 90% decrease in MTTR, which leads to labor savings of $13.9 million. Cisco FSO empowers the composite organization with real-time visibility and contextual insights into systems and applications, which enables the identification of issues within minutes and allows the internal war room team to save time triaging and resolving incidents. Additionally, using Cisco FSO also allows the composite organization to reduce production issues and false positives by 50%.

might save from improved incident prevention and decreased MTTR.

  • Reduction in the likelihood of revenue-impact outages by 50% and a 60% reduction in the average length of a major outage by the end of Year 3, valued at $22.5 million. By implementing Cisco FSO, the composite organization not only gains insight into its applications that directly drive revenue, but it also experiences a significant decrease in the number of outages. This eliminates the need to rely on customer-reported issues. Furthermore, Cisco FSO reduces the average length of the composite’s major outages, which helps it avoid additional revenue loss. Over three years, the composite organization saves $22.5 million in avoided revenue loss due to outage prevention.

might save due to reductions in the likelihood and length of revenue-impacting outages.

  • Internal resource efficiency and productivity increase of 30% enabled through Cisco certifications. With access to Cisco certified training and Cisco University (Cisco’s virtual university platform that offers courses specifically focused on Cisco technologies), the composite’s internal staff increases its knowledge of and efficiency with the solutions. Also, through learnings gained by taking the courses, the capacity of the internal staff increases year over year. Over three years, the composite organization saves $1.1 million in internal resource efficiency and productivity.

might save with staff productivity increases enabled through Cisco certifications.

Unquantified benefits. Benefits that provide value for the composite organization but are not quantified for this study include:

  • Improved employee experience. With Cisco FSO, the composite’s IT team experiences a reduction in urgent calls received after business hours and eliminates the need to perform mundane, repetitive tasks with Cisco’s data-analytics and automation capabilities. This allows team members to handle issues more efficiently and effectively during business hours and to not have to join a call in the middle of the night. Moreover, this also alleviates some of the burden on key go-to resources who participate in every event that arises. As a result, these resources can reallocate their time towards more valuable and productive tasks.
  • Enhanced brand reputation. By experiencing fewer issues and outages, the composite organization witnesses a notable decrease in disruptions to its operations. As a result, its customers enjoy uninterrupted services, which leads to enhanced satisfaction. In turn, this contributes to strengthening the composite’s brand reputation.
  • Transformed to a proactive and preventative state. The implementation of Cisco FSO transforms the composite organization’s approach from reactive to proactive, which enables it to prevent issues and outages before they occur. This shift has a profound impact on the organization’s internal culture and fosters a proactive mindset and focus on prevention rather than firefighting. This positive shift in culture contributes to improved efficiency, productivity, and an overall shift towards being a high-performance IT organization.
  • Solidified departmental alignment and cross-team collaboration. The composite’s cross-functional team members are able to communicate more effectively with Cisco FSO’s user-friendly dashboard regardless of their background or role. The underpinning of a common source of data and insights reduces discrepancies and conflicting viewpoints of data. This significant improvement in collaboration results in shorter war-room durations or even eliminates them altogether.
  • Accelerated cloud transition and expansion of business operations. The implementation of Cisco FSO boosts the composite organization’s confidence in its hybrid infrastructure, leading to a faster transition to the cloud. Contextual real-time insights provide awareness of system operations and interactions for more informed decision-making. This transition results in improved business operations and better overall business outcomes for the organization.
  • Valued customer partnership with Cisco. Cisco collaborates with the composite organization to meet the growing demand for observability, and the composite’s technology teams wholeheartedly support Cisco solutions with strong buy-in from executives. This partnership ensures a unified and enthusiastic approach to leveraging Cisco offerings for improved observability capabilities.

Costs. Three-year, risk-adjusted PV costs for the composite organization include:

  • Cisco FSO licensing and hybrid environment costs valued at $9.4 million. The composite pays licensing fees for AppDynamics and ThousandEyes based on a three-year plan and ongoing Cisco professional services fees to provide comprehensive support. Additionally, the composite pays other costs associated with supporting its hybrid application environment.

For , Cisco FSO licensing and hybrid environment costs might be .

  • AppDynamics implementation and ongoing management costs valued at $1 million. The composite organization needs an internal team of six people to implement AppDynamics. During the proof of concept (POC), the composite organization opts to implement five applications on AppDynamics so that 125 are monitored by the solution by the end of Year 3. After the implementation, one system administrator is responsible for the ongoing management.

For , AppDynamics implementation and ongoing management costs might be .

  • ThousandEyes implementation and ongoing support costs valued at $1.8 million. Eight DevOps employees at the composite organization implement ThousandEyes over the course of two weeks while four professionals provide ongoing maintenance.

For , ThousandEyes implementation and ongoing support costs might be .

  • Cisco FSO training costs valued at $249,000. Because ongoing training is essential to fully leveraging the capabilities of the system, the 14 employees responsible for implementing both AppDynamics and ThousandEyes require a week of training on each solution, respectfully. These same individuals opt to gain Cisco certification to ensure the composite organization can make the most out of the system and optimize its usage.

For , Cisco FSO training costs might be .

The representative interviews and financial analysis found that a composite organization experiences benefits of $56.80 million over three years versus costs of $12.40 million, adding up to a net present value (NPV) of $44.40 million and an ROI of 358%.

might experience benefits of over three years versus costs of , adding up to an NPV of and an ROI of 0%.

Reduction in the likelihood of a major outage by Year 3


“As an observability platform for application performance management, it’s been an asset for us. It’s proving its value every day, every week, and every month more and more. I think now and for the future of watching these applications, it’s a very important piece of the puzzle to keep [our systems] healthy.”

Program manager, government administration

Key Statistics

  • icon icon

    Return on investment (ROI)

  • icon icon

    Benefits PV

  • icon icon

    Net present value (NPV)

  • icon icon


    <6 months<6 months
  • icon icon
  • icon icon
  • icon icon
  • icon icon

Benefits (Three-Year)

Cost savings from eliminated tool sprawl and maintenance Labor savings from incident prevention and accelerated MTTR Avoided revenue loss from outage prevention Internal resource efficiency and productivity savings

TEI Framework And Methodology

From the information provided in the interviews, Forrester constructed a Total Economic Impact™ framework for those organizations considering an investment in a Cisco Full-Stack Observability solution.

The objective of the framework is to identify the cost, benefit, flexibility, and risk factors that affect the investment decision. Forrester took a multistep approach to evaluate the impact that Cisco Full-Stack Observability can have on an organization.

  1. Due Diligence

    Interviewed Cisco stakeholders and Forrester analysts to gather data relative to the Cisco Full-Stack Observability portfolio.

  2. Interviews

    Interviewed four representatives at organizations using Cisco Full-Stack Observability to obtain data about costs, benefits, and risks.

  3. Composite Organization

    Designed a composite organization based on characteristics of the interviewees’ organizations.

  4. Financial Model Framework

    Constructed a financial model representative of the interviews using the TEI methodology and risk-adjusted the financial model based on issues and concerns of the interviewees.

  5. Case Study

    Employed four fundamental elements of TEI in modeling the investment impact: benefits, costs, flexibility, and risks. Given the increasing sophistication of ROI analyses related to IT investments, Forrester’s TEI methodology provides a complete picture of the total economic impact of purchase decisions. Please see Appendix A for additional information on the TEI methodology.


Readers should be aware of the following:

This study is commissioned by Cisco and delivered by Forrester Consulting. It is not meant to be used as a competitive analysis.

Forrester makes no assumptions as to the potential ROI that other organizations will receive. Forrester strongly advises that readers use their own estimates within the framework provided in the study to determine the appropriateness of an investment in a Cisco Full-Stack Observability solution. For the interactive functionality using Configure Data/Custom Data, the intent is for the questions to solicit inputs specific to a prospect's business. Forrester believes that this analysis is representative of what companies may achieve with Full-Stack Observability based on the inputs provided and any assumptions made. Forrester does not endorse Cisco or its offerings. Although great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this model, Cisco and Forrester Research are unable to accept any legal responsibility for any actions taken on the basis of the information contained herein. The interactive tool is provided ‘AS IS,’ and Forrester and Cisco make no warranties of any kind.

Cisco reviewed and provided feedback to Forrester, but Forrester maintains editorial control over the study and its findings and does not accept changes to the study that contradict Forrester’s findings or obscure the meaning of the study.

Cisco provided the customer names for the interviews but did not participate in the interviews.

Consulting Team:

Stephanie Slate

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